Authored by Women of Real Distinction

Am so saddened by the reports and news of rape that has taken over our media platforms. This is totally a spiritual warfare remember life is more spiritual than it is physical. Am calling all the wailing women to get on their knees, and war against this demonic plaque. I am also calling all women of distinction to take precautions more than ever before, this are not the days we blindly left our kids with crazy uncles n cousins, its a bad thing to imagine that we can’t even rely on our own family members, but this are evil days as the world continues to descend in moral decay, we just have to be cautious. Even in our choice of a house help we have to be totally discerning. Let’s educate our little boys and girls the reality of cruelty though not in details but let’s teach them boundaries and warning signs. Then another suggestion I would like to share, to be conscious of our kids when conversing on the phone on negative news. Let us shield our kids from hearing this conversations, switch off some of the news station that keeps reporting negative news, ‘imagine a little girl hearing every day on her way to school 4women will be raped in 16mins. Its devastates them then we have to start explaining what is rape to tiny minds let’s try protect their innocence, we can teach them the right skill without bombarding their minds with a view of a horrific world, lets show them the world where God rules and in he is control at the end of the day , the earth is the Lord and the fullness there off.

Ev J
2 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    It is very sad that we have to live in such a violent country, and each day I pray to God to shield and protect me.

    But a part of me is also challenged to rise up and make a difference and do something, Is there anything we can do as women even from a chirstian perspective.

  2. Zandile Mwenda Says:

    There's definitely something we can do, if we can start caring for the lives of others beyond ourselves. I believe that nothing can beat unity of purpose and active involvement. As women of prayer we have an even stronger weapon to fight this evil, which we should use to maximum advantage. Over and above our own efforts to initiate interventions, I believe we need to support the efforts of other organisations that protect children, by backing them up with our prayers. I believe we need to work with schools to form prayer chains aimed at stamping out the evil in schools. We should be willing ladies to sacrifice our love and space by extending a hand to mentor destitute little girls. A lot of rape happens to children from dysfunctional family backgrounds. Your stable home environment could be just what that child needs. With unity and unselfish love ladies, I believe there's a lot we can do.

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