Authored by Women of Real Distinction
Dear woman of distinction. I hope you are well and on top of things, but if things are on top of you, "not to worry" the Lord is your strength he will pull you through.

I just wanted to register my admiration to all women- single, married, divorced, nuns, business women, women in cooperate world and also to the homemakers. I do admire you all especially those who chose to be different by allowing God to influence their way of life.

Women have endurance, patience, resilience, like you can’t imagine it’s all locked in us. As I interact with different women and listen to their stories; stories of joy and sadness, promotions and humiliation, I realize just how we all need one another. If we can allow the cords of God’s love to bind us together, trust me we will go places. But you can’t walk alone, I can’t walk alone, but you also can’t walk with everyone, this is why as the Women of Distinction team we wish to encourage you to be an active member in your interactions with us, we believe that God is putting together a gathering of like women. Women that He will shape through His word and use them in the last days as publishers of his truth.

This is our time we are not next!!!!!
Authored by Women of Real Distinction
Welcome to the Women of Real Distinction Blog. A place for you to grow, to mature and to express yourself. This blog is for you, me SIMPLY all women from different walks of life.

We are not promising to have all the answers but we are here to guide each other according sound Godly doctrine and principles. Here you will find Gold Nuggets that will unlock the potential within and build your distinct strong character.

Let’s come together and share on how we can all live practical lives filled with joy, love and peace. Some topics we have in mind are:

•Christianity and modern Culture,
•Christian Lifestyle
•Personal development
•Career growth
•Spirituality and prayer

And equally important fun, fun fun!!! You will also find some humour on this page- surely a group of women chatting about this and that is bound to make us chuckle here and there.

Join the conversation today - follow this blog!!!!!