Authored by Women of Real Distinction
Charles Haun once stated that "knowing God requires personal loss"...
But that is a pill that not many people are not willing to swallow.  To know Christ is to know perfection, to know blamelessness, it is to know life itself but many of us are not willing to get there. 
You see my sisters and friends I have come to learn that they are many levels of knowing God and we decide the extent we are willing to sacrifice to know Him better. 

I have also come to learn that Jesus is not only the great I am but he is the great Distuber, he disturbed the Sadducees, 

he disturbed the Pharisees, 
he disturbs the makers if the law, 
by shedding His light too brightly and I guarantee that He will disturb you too!!!!. 

He has personally interfered with me a lot, messed my perception completely, fixed my attitude and I can tell you the He continues.  Through the many experiences I have had and my personal journey with God I have come to the realisation that if I can accept His disturbance, I can get to know perfection itself.

As we live this life we often try to balance pursuing Jesus and maintaining the status quo... by this I mean maintaining how we want to live, what we want to do and when as long as he disturbs nothing or re- arrange anything, but often times Jesus will bring the temple down to its purpose 'house of prayer' 

As i write this I am looking back at the numerous times I had to go and apologize to people who should have apologized  to me instead and it was just because Jesus said " when our brother offends you take heed of yourself'.  And I often times at face value I am justified to be hurt and upset, feeling betrayed and let down but I remember my life should always be a testimony so just because of this DISTURBANCE I find myself letting go of my ego and pride but the reward is 
always worthwhile!!! 

So share with me and the many other ladies that read this blog and find inspiration- How Jesus has disturbed your life, how he has wrestled with you, thrown you according to your terms 'of- course' forced you to reflect on the perceptions you have held so dearly