Charles Haun once stated that "knowing God requires personal loss"...
But that is a pill that not many people are not willing to swallow. To know Christ is to know perfection, to know blamelessness, it is to know life itself but many of us are not willing to get there.
You see my sisters and friends I have come to learn that they are many levels of knowing God and we decide the extent we are willing to sacrifice to know Him better.
I have also come to learn that Jesus is not only the great I am but he is the great Distuber, he disturbed the Sadducees,
he disturbed the Pharisees,
he disturbs the makers if the law,
by shedding His light too brightly and I guarantee that He will disturb you too!!!!.
He has personally interfered with me a lot, messed my perception completely, fixed my attitude and I can tell you the He continues. Through the many experiences I have had and my personal journey with God I have come to the realisation that if I can accept His disturbance, I can get to know perfection itself.
As we live this life we often try to balance pursuing Jesus and maintaining the status quo... by this I mean maintaining how we want to live, what we want to do and when as long as he disturbs nothing or re- arrange anything, but often times Jesus will bring the temple down to its purpose 'house of prayer'
But that is a pill that not many people are not willing to swallow. To know Christ is to know perfection, to know blamelessness, it is to know life itself but many of us are not willing to get there.
You see my sisters and friends I have come to learn that they are many levels of knowing God and we decide the extent we are willing to sacrifice to know Him better.
I have also come to learn that Jesus is not only the great I am but he is the great Distuber, he disturbed the Sadducees,
he disturbed the Pharisees,
he disturbs the makers if the law,
by shedding His light too brightly and I guarantee that He will disturb you too!!!!.
He has personally interfered with me a lot, messed my perception completely, fixed my attitude and I can tell you the He continues. Through the many experiences I have had and my personal journey with God I have come to the realisation that if I can accept His disturbance, I can get to know perfection itself.
As we live this life we often try to balance pursuing Jesus and maintaining the status quo... by this I mean maintaining how we want to live, what we want to do and when as long as he disturbs nothing or re- arrange anything, but often times Jesus will bring the temple down to its purpose 'house of prayer'
As i write this I am looking back at the numerous times I had to go and apologize to people who should have apologized to me instead and it was just because Jesus said " when our brother offends you take heed of yourself'. And I often times at face value I am justified to be hurt and upset, feeling betrayed and let down but I remember my life should always be a testimony so just because of this DISTURBANCE I find myself letting go of my ego and pride but the reward is
always worthwhile!!!
So share with me and the many other ladies that read this blog and find inspiration- How Jesus has disturbed your life, how he has wrestled with you, thrown you according to your terms 'of- course' forced you to reflect on the perceptions you have held so dearly
and of so long, challenged you to uphold truth at all times and deep down inside you knew it was the right thing to do ...
and of so long, challenged you to uphold truth at all times and deep down inside you knew it was the right thing to do ...
I would also like to hear from you if you have not in moments disturbance listened to God and what you learned through that experience , so share with us... Tell your story....
"I have also come to learn that Jesus is not only the great I am but he is the great Disturber..." I couldn't agree with you more!
Christ has disturbed me in my pursuit of things that make me feel good, and redirected me to pursue those things that please Him. Often times I have had to pray through tears, asking God to do me "a favour" and give in to my tantrums but in the end I know that He knows best so I cry even more and say, "Nevertheless, not my will but your will be done Lord".
Some of the things God has asked/ led me to do have disturbed my need to avoid looking foolish. I have said and done things that look utterly foolish when judged at face value but the peace I feel confirms that as foolish as I might sound or seem to others, I have pleased my Saviour.
I read a quote not too long ago that said, "Faith is the willingness to look foolish". I totally agree!
I have been disturbed by the Messiah and I'm grateful for it, even when I do not understand.
This is so true and a truth I have personally come to accept that left to my own devices, dreams and plans _ I will not find peace and contentment until I am walking in the "perfect will"
I have been betrayed many a times by close family and it hurts and I sometimes thought I would die from the pain and found myself getting bitter and the most difficult thing to do was to forgive and move on. Till today they is a specific family member - I struggle to love and I have to consciously remind myself that or ask rather "what is the meaning of my christianity if I cannot forgive" and my prayer has been Lord give me strength because left to myself and fierce nature I will hurt the other person. I learnt a statement as well that says "hurting people hurt others" and it is so true..
DO I welcome His disturbance freely - no not at all and that is why I need him ever so much...
I thank God that He does not leave me to my own devices. Though His interference is often frowned on, I am silently glad He bothers me. In fact, I want to be nagged, shouted at, only if it’s done by Him>Christ. There have been times in my walk with Him where I have laid prostrate and naked before Him and cried bitterly and I would say "Please don’t leave me to me, guide me". To think of it that’s my ever sounding prayer, this is because I have a strong will. Ladies, I must tell you, I have never deserved a love so much, so unpredictable, so mysterious, so just what I needed..That a king would love a nobody like
I can only surrender.......
Gladys B