I have been reading on the
power of imagination a topic that Lester Sumrall has written on in-depth.
Based on Romans 12 “And even as they did
not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate
mind (a mind that could not think straight), to do those things which are not convenient”.
In other words all the sinners in the world became so by imagination. This sent
me thinking, we are creatures of thought; our mind is the organ of thought. My
mind has power to reason, decide, and imagine unborn things. As you know our minds occupies a large part
of our total life. We demonstrate what we imagine through the way we act and
live, it is said that imagination is the force of destiny.
As Christians we are
not to let our imaginations run loose, but harness them as Apostle Paul would
have us do by ,staying on the things that are pure things that are acceptable
,noble and of good report. Sumrall warns
“If your mind is empty, the devil will activate it. If you do not know what to
think about, the devil will give you something.
I now understand why the scriptures
keeps telling us to watch out on where our minds are they have great peace
whose minds are stayed on Him). As a man thinketh or (imagines) so is he. It is
our responsibility to imagine right.
Now am imagining myself size 8, am
imagining myself with arms like Michele Obama,
am imagining feeding my chicken in my dream farmhouse , eating veggies from my
organic farm food.
Before you judge me,
of being self-centred I am also imagining Africa saved, free from sickness,
poverty and ignorance. The list continues; remember there is tremendous power
locked in our imagination.
From now imagine the right, when wrong imaginations
invade you do as Paul said pull them down and bring to subjection……………let love
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