Authored by Women of Real Distinction

Honorable Act                 
 You will all agree with me that as long as we are living in this fallen world which still suffers from the impact of sin, we will every so often need to forgive or to be forgiven. That is  because in life under the sun offence must come. Personally I can’t remember how many times I had to forgive and was in need of forgiveness.  I have learnt that forgiveness can be either instantaneous or gradual depending on the magnitude of the offence.  The hardest pill to swallow as a Christian is that you have to forgive (who said Christianity was easy, living for God is the hardest job on earth!!!! (But the most honourable).  But the words of Jesus are still living through the ages and they are simple you can’t misspell them “forgive as your father has forgiven you” super oooouuch! Isn’t?  . Forgiveness is like a journey, a journey begins with an intention, you plan to get somewhere. No one boards a bus and have way the trip starts wondering, where am I headed, (unless the wires upstairs are incorrect or loose, for such help should be provided). So we embark on a journey after we have decided on our destination, which in this case is emotional freedom and healing.  Deciding to start this journey may not be as hard as the ability to stay focused, follow through, to refuse distraction and actually get there.  I have had to take this journey in the time past and half way the trip the fresh memories of the offence would wash away with great intensity all the strength I had gathered. A times the offender may belittle your agony, sometimes they may repeat it again, they may come across as non-remorseful, this can easily distract you from your goal or even weaken you , you might actually decide to cut short the journey  and justify the right to remain in offence. It is at this point that you remind yourself this truth “it takes the will to obey God not the emotions”. In the scriptures we see many times when David had to address his will, e.g.” I will praise the Lord”  he will pour out his overwhelming negative  emotions and lament on why God can’t just ‘break somebody’s neck’ but then he would make a choice to overcome those emotions and remain  focused.   I have trained myself to be honest with God and speak to him about the difficulties I encounter as I try to obey him. This is not your usual prayers it’s an honest chat with my dad….. . This conversation with God leaves me very energized. It is in this kind of chats that God reminds me that he had justifiable reasons not to forgive us without violating his justice, but he had to sacrifice in order to forgive. It has to cost somebody something for forgiveness to take place.  God accepted to give away his son because he was motivated by love.  We can be motivated by our love for God, when faced with the need to forgive, we can always choose between obeying God and nursing our feelings and our rights, it not easy I know, but I said earlier living for God is not easy.  Honest prayers for extra grace will see you through this most honourable act of forgiving.  I would like to hear from you how you cope with forgiveness, the challenges you face and how you follow through.
1 Response
  1. WORD Says:

    lovely...and true to the heart

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